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Wybrane problemy nowelizacji wprowadzonej ustawą z dnia 4 lipca 2019 r o zmianie ustawy – Kodeks postępowania cywilnego oraz niektórych innych ustaw w praktyce sądu opiekuńczego

Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury * 2020* tom 39* zeszyt 3* s. 67-103* ISSN 2083-7186

Wybrane problemy nowelizacji wprowadzonej ustawą z dnia 4 lipca 2019 r o zmianie ustawy – Kodeks postępowania cywilnego oraz niektórych innych ustaw w praktyce sądu opiekuńczego

Selected issues regarding the amendment introduced by the Act Amending the Act on the Polish Code of Civil Procedure and Certain Other Acts of 4 July 2019 in the practice of the guardianship court

Mgr Paweł Kartasiński - starszy asystent sędziego, Wydział IV Rodzinny i Nieletnich w Sądzie Rejonowym w Sosnowcu

Data publikacji: 2020-09-30

URL: https://www.kssip.gov.pl/pobierz_plik/2020-3_39_-_wybrane.pdf


SUMMARY: The amendment of the provisions concerning the civil procedure, introduced by the provisions of the Act of 4.7.2019 – especially since 7.11.2019 – brought new solutions, but also modified the existing ones, included both in the Polish Code of Civil Procedure of 17.11.1964, as well as in the Act on Court Fees in Civil Proceedings of 28.7.2005. It is worth to discuss three issues that are of interest to legal practitioners and have emerged in the practice of the guardianship courts under the current regulations. The first one is the issue of a complaint against a decision for return of a motion for an interim injunction. The analysis of the new regulations leads to a conclusion that currently such a decision cannot be challenged, which is a reversal of the existing decision-making practice, based on the views of the Supreme Court. The second issue concerns a competent court to settle appeals against decisions regarding the first stage of the so-called exercise of rights of contact. This is the case when the court rules on the risk of a payment order being imposed for the incorrect execution of formally established contacts with a minor. The analysis of the new regulations leads to a conclusion that there is a gap in the law. The paper is an attempt to resolve this situation towards granting jurisdiction to the district court. The third issue relates to the question of fees for applications for a statement of reasons where the application concerns judgments which contain several decisions on the substance. The paper is an attempt to answer the question whether, in such a situation, a fee should be calculated on the number of decisions contained in the judgment covered by the application for a statement of reasons, or whether it should be uniform and constant, regardless of the number of decisions covered by the decision. The author is in favour of the concept of calculating the fee based on the number of decisions.

Keywords: complaint against a decision for return of a motion for an interim injunction; court competent to settle appeals against decisions concerning the exercise of rights of contact, fee for the application for a statement of reasons.

Bibliographic Citation:

KARTASIŃSKI, P. Wybrane problemy nowelizacji wprowadzonej ustawą z dnia 4 lipca 2019 r o zmianie ustawy – Kodeks postępowania cywilnego oraz niektórych innych ustaw w praktyce sądu opiekuńczego, Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury. 2020, t. 39, z. 3, s. 67-103. ISSN 2083-7186.

okładka kwartalnika

Czytaj artykuł


Data publikacji: 
2021-09-25 10:31
Data wytworzenia: 
2021-09-25 10:31
Autor treści: 