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Przegląd współczesnych sposobów przesłuchania podejrzanego

Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury * 2021* tom 43* zeszyt 3* s. 51-69 * ISSN 2083-7186

Przegląd współczesnych sposobów przesłuchania podejrzanego

A review of contemporary ways of interrogating a suspect

Dr Maciej Bożek, biegły sądowy psycholog przy Sądzie Okręgowym w Katowicach, wykładowca Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2701-7107

Dr Przemysław Piątek, prokurator Prokuratury Krajowej w stanie spoczynku, wykładowca Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury w Krakowie, wykładowca w Wyższej Szkole Finansów i Prawa w Bielsku-Białej

Data publikacji: 2021-10-07

DOI: 10.53024/

URL: https://www.kssip.gov.pl/pobierz_plik/03_bozek_piatek.pdf


Nowadays in our country, both on the ground of legal sciences and sciences related to law, especially procedural criminal law and criminology, as well as psychology, the problems of ways (methods, techniques) of interrogating a suspect enjoys little attention. While these issues are sometimes addressed at the level of admissibility of this activity, other issues, especially specific interrogation techniques, are either discussed with the use of knowledge dating back to the 1970s or are usually ignored. The few publications concerning the techniques used in the Western cultural circle do not, in principle, take into account the compliance of the activity of interrogating a suspect with the regulations of the Polish criminal procedure. In principle, these issues are not covered in continuous training dedicated to prosecutors and assessors acting as prosecutors, and in initial training for trainee prosecutors – they are covered (along with the issue of questioning witnesses) in a scant time frame. The article attempts to introduce a general presentation of contemporary methods and techniques of questioning suspects, which are used in practice and scientifically developed in Western Europe and the United States. The text is a review, and the intention of the authors is to inspire the scientific and didactic-professional environments to take appropriate actions aimed at the development of knowledge in the field in question and its application to the professional needs of the subjects authorised by the authorities of preparatory proceedings in Poland.

Key words: Ways of questioning a suspect, criminal proceedings, pre-trial proceeding

Bibliographic Citation:

BOŻEK, M., PIĄTEK, P. Przegląd współczesnych sposobów przesłuchania podejrzanego, Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury. 2021, t. 43, z. 3, s. 51-69. ISSN 2083-7186. DOI: 10.53024/

okładka kwartalnika

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Data publikacji: 
2021-10-09 11:29
Data wytworzenia: 
2021-10-09 11:29
Autor treści: 
Ostatnia zmiana: 
2021-10-09 11:52
Autor zmiany: 