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Interpretation of the jurisdictional prerequisites in EU civil and commercial matters in the process of practical application of the Brussels I Regulation in the light of the CJEU jurisprudence

Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury * 2021* tom 43* zeszyt 3* s. 133-158* ISSN 2083-7186

Interpretation of the jurisdictional prerequisites in EU civil and commercial matters in the process of practical application of the Brussels I Regulation in the light of the CJEU jurisprudence

Wykładnia przesłanek jurysdykcyjnych w unijnych sprawach cywilnych i handlowych w procesie praktycznego stosowania rozporządzenia Bruksela I bis w świetle orzecznictwa TSUE

Dr Sylwia Jastrzemska, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego we Wrocławiu, wykładowca Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury

Data publikacji: 2021-10-07

DOI: 10.53024/

URL: https://www.kssip.gov.pl/pobierz_plik/07_jastrzemska.pdf


The possession of national jurisdiction by the court is a condition sine qua non for the possibility to resolve the case. Its lack results in the invalidity of the proceedings in accordance with the disposition of Article 1099 § 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure. After the amendments in 1997 and the doctrine’s acceptance of the division of domestic jurisdiction into jurisdiction in the international legal sense and international jurisdiction, these institutions are no longer included in the concept of a court path. At present, admissibility of a court path and international jurisdiction are treated as two separate procedural institutions which, on their own, constitute prerequisites for proceedings. Do EU cases differ in this respect from cases without a cross-border element? Is the interpretation of EU law different from the traditional interpretation in domestic cases? Should a purpose-oriented interpretation prevail? The author attempts to answer these and other questions in this text.

Key words: domestic jurisdiction, priority rule of EU law, jurisdictional connecting factors, civil case, commercial case

Bibliographic Citation:

JASTRZEMSKA, S. Interpretation of the jurisdictional prerequisites in EU civil and commercial matters in the process of practical application of the Brussels I Regulation in the light of the CJEU jurisprudence, Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury. 2021, t. 43, z. 3, s. 133-158. ISSN 2083-7186. DOI: 10.53024/

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Data publikacji: 
2021-10-09 12:06
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2021-10-09 12:06
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2021-10-09 12:10
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