Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej KSSIP zaprasza do uczestnictwa w międzynarodowych webinarach (Lunchtime webinars oraz UNESCO webinars) w 2023 r.
W załączonej tabeli przedstawione są dostępne webinary wraz z linkami, kierującymi bezpośrednio do rejestracji na wydarzenie - lista będzie na bieżąco aktualizowana.
New routes of counterfeit goods entering the EU via the Southeast bordersIntellectual Property Crime |
10 października 2023 r. 9.00 - 12.30 |
Eksperci CEPOL |
Register hereKonieczna wcześniejsza rejestracja na platformie LEED |
The aim of this webinar is to raise awareness and familiarize with the particularities of the new routes of trade for counterfeit goods. By the end of this webinar, the audience will be able to:
30 listopada czwartek 13.00-14.00 (CET) |
Otwarta rejestracja |
The webinar aims to focus the attention on the essence of the different scientific methods for truth verification and how the information gathered through them could be used in practice. We will discuss the expectations of judiciary and the opportunities and limitations of truth verification methods. | ||||
LW2023/19 |
16 listopada czwartek 13.00-14.00 (CET) |
Otwarta rejestracja |
Webiarium z portfolio szkoleń online EJTN Język: angielski EJTN’s lunchtime webinars were launched in 2020 to provide a practical and cost-effective training option for judges, prosecutors and court staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, and quickly became very popular.They are held every other Thursday from 13:00 - 14:00 CET. The one-hour webinars enable participants to learn about recent trends in EU law, as well as exchange views with leading experts and network with colleagues from other countries, without the need to travel. |
The case law of the CJEU on constitutional rights in EU in times of crisis LW/2023/18 |
2 listopada 2023 r. czwartek 13.00-14.00 (CET) |
Otwarta rejestracja |
The scope of the presentation will be an overview of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on the two European crises: the fiscal and the health crisis.
The relevant decisions of the Court will be analyzed in comparison with the corresponding decisions of the Greek Courts.
Here is a sample of the relevant decisions: CASE OF TΕRHE v. ROMANIA, 20.5.2021 (49933/20), CASE OF FENECH v. MALTA, 01.03.2022 (19090/20), Le Mailloux v. France (18108/20), Koufaki v. Greece, 7.5.2013 (57665/12 και 57657/12)
Collective redress CI/2023/12 |
25 października 2023 r. środa |
Rejestracja otwarta w terminie do 13.10. 2023 |
Link do rejestracji: |
LW/2023/17 |
19 października 2023 r. 13.00-14.00 |
Emma J.Bell |
A presentation on building professional and personal resilience | |||
LW/2023/16 COMPRENDRE LE VOCABULAIRE DES JURIDICTIONS FRANCAISES ET DE L’UNION EUROPEENNE - de principaux termes juridiques utilisés et leurs significations et exemples. | 5 października 2023 r. | Otwarta rejestracja |
1. La terminologie de l’organisation judiciaire en France
Learning objectives
Ce cours a pour objectif de présenter la terminologie essentielle pour comprendre le système juridictionnel français, de distinguer l’ordre judiciaire et administratif en France, de présenter leurs équivalents dans d’autres pays francophones en Europe (Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse) et de présenter la terminologie de l’organisation judiciaire de l’Union européenne. |
‘Insights in MH17 Proceedings’ – moderated discussion |
28 września czwartek 9.00-12.00 |
Digna van Boetzelaer
Marieke de Hoon
Brechtje van de Moosdijk
Otwarta rejestracja |
This webinar provides insights in (aspects of) the legal proceedings in the MH17 case. On 17 July 2014 Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed in eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board. Four people held responsible for the crash faced criminal charges before the District Court of The Hague. This case bears, in certain aspects, similarities to criminal proceedings that are (to be) investigated by the Ukrainian judiciary. We therefore invite you to engage with us about our experiences.
The crash had a major social impact and there was high (international) public interest in the case. In this webinar three experts, all closely involved in the process in different roles, will speak about the choices that were made during the investigation. We will review applicable legal provisions in national and international law and speak about how the investigation by the Public Prosecution’s Office (PPO) was managed and coordinated. The legal proceedings called for careful communication with the public and between all parties involved in the process. We will explain how this was implemented (and why in this manner), taking into account the special requirements of the case. Also, we will discuss the ‘lessons learned’ and we look at the impact of such cases for ensuring just and legitimate proceedings, and the flow of cases through the national criminal justice system.
The webinar includes a Q&A session. To inform yourself about the content and specifics of the case, please turn to the following websites:
• MH17 plane crash | Public Prosecution Service
• Timeline: important steps in the investigation and legal proceedings | MH17 plane crash | Public Prosecution Service
• MH17 trial | District Court of The Hague (courtmh17.com)
The water and sanitation as human fundamental rights LW/2023/15
21 września 2023 r. czwartek 13.00-14.00 (CET) |
A reflection on how the universal access to safe drinking and clean water and to basic sanitation are human rights, essential to everyone's health, dignity and prosperity, fundamental for the full enjoyment of life and of all human rights. | ||||
Exchange Programme Information Webinar 2024 |
13 września 2023 środa 12.00 - 14.00 |
Otwarta rejestracja |
Webinarium informacyjne o procedurze naboru kandydatów na staże Programu Wymiany 2024 poprzez platformę OSPE: Materiały z webinarium dostępne: Part 1 – Presentation of the activities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLbhcUayRvg Part 2 – Q&A session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByqyfLiSULQ
7 września 2023 r. | Carmen De La Fuente Mendez |
The practical application of the Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec (2018) concerning Restorative Justice in criminal matters - An awareness of the benefits of using Restorative Justice in Criminal matters for victims, communities and offenders; aiming to achieve satisfaction within the justice process for all stakeholders. |
Collective redress in consumer protection (LW/2023/13) |
20 lipca 2023 czwartek 15.00 - 18.00 |
Elena D'Alessandro, Enrico Camilleri |
Webinarium z portfolio szkoleń EJTN This week’s Lunchtime Webinar takes the form of a three-hour webinar organised by the Italian School of the Magistracy, open to EJTN participants. Speakers: Andrea Giussani, Full Professor of Civil Procedure - Università di Urbino, Elena D'Alessandro, Full Professor of Civil Procedure - Università di Torino, Enrico Camilleri, Full Professor of Private Law - Università di Palermo Moderator: Gianluca GRASSO Content: The event aims to provide valuable insights into collective redress in consumer protection, covering topics such as collective actions, remedies, costs of proceedings, burden of proof, and relevant EU directives. It offers a platform for academic experts and practitioners to share their knowledge and engage in meaningful discussions, fostering a deeper understanding of this legal area. Learning outcomes: Gain a comprehensive understanding of collective redress in consumer protection, including the latest developments in theory and practice. Engage in interactive Q&A sessions with esteemed professors and experts to clarify doubts, seek further insights, and address specific queries related to collective redress in consumer protection. Target audience: Judges, Prosecutors, legal practitioners and Court Staff |
6 lipca 2023 czwartek 13.00-14.00 (CET) |
Elisa Scotti |
Otwarta rejestracja |
Webinarium z portfolio szkoleń administracyjnych EJTN Język: angielski |
UNESCO Webinar Virtual Reality Worlds and the Law: How Judges Can Keep Up with the Rapidly Evolving Technology
6 lipca 2023 Czwartek 15.00 - 16.30 |
Otwarta rejestracja |
Webiarium z portfolio szkoleń online UNESCO Język: angielski, hiszpański |
UNESCO Webinar The Admissibility Challenge: AI-Generated Evidence in the Courtroom
15 czerwca 2023 czwartek 15.00 - 16.30 |
Sabine Gless |
Otwarta rejestracja
Webiarium z portfolio szkoleń online UNESCO Język: angielski, hiszpański |
(LW/2023/08) |
11 maja 2023 czwartek 13.00-14.00 (CET) |
Petra Wagner |
Otwarta rejestracja do dnia 11 maja 2023 r. poprzez link: |
Target Audience: Judges and prosecutors Language: English |
(LW/2023/07) |
27 kwietnia 2023 czwartek 13:00-14:00 (CET) |
Gianluca Grasso |
Otwarta rejestracja
Description: tbc Language: English |
The interplay between Competition Law and Public Procurement Law (LW/2023/06) |
13 kwietnia 2023 czwartek 13:00-14:00 (CET) |
Rosa Perna |
Otwarta rejestracja |
The webinar will focus on the key concepts in State aid rules, the respective roles of national courts and the European Commission in their enforcement, the cooperation tools available to national judges, as well as the main hurdles affecting the award of remedies in private actions in State aid matters. The webinar is addressed to national judges, at all instances in all member States, who may be confronted with the enforcement of State aid rules, in particular as regards the implementation of decisions ordering recovery of incompatible aid adopted by the European Commission, the interpretation of the notion of aid under Article 107 (1) of the Treaty for the functioning of the European Union (TFEU), and the granting of unlawful aid in breach of the standstill obligation under Art. 108 (3) TFEU. |
Judgecraft - avoiding corruptions risks among judges (LW/2023/05) |
29 marca 2023 środa 13:00 - 14:00 (CET) |
Otwarta rejestracja |
Judges must be independent and impartial when making decisions. No influence inside or outside the judiciary is allowed. It is important not only the fact that the judge actually decides independently and impartially, but it must also be seen (from the outside) that this is done so. A judge does not live isolated from the world in some ivory tower, but in addition to judging, he may also lecture at a university or college, lecture to other audiences, attend sports and cultural events, have children and drive them to school, to activities, built the house, go to the store, meet people everywhere or cooperates with them. Some of them are important personalities from the world of politics and sports, they are influential people with a lot of capital and they want to take advantage of every moment in order to gain a more favourable position for themselves or their family or company in a possible legal dispute. | |||
English as a Lingua Franca for judicial cooperation: challenges, choices and opportunities (LW/2023/04) |
16 marca 2023 czwartek 13:00 - 14:00 (CET) |
Carolina Crespo Migoya |
Otwarta rejestracja
Description: In our presentation, we will explore how the apparent challenges of using English by/among non-native speakers may eventually become opportunities for learning and stress-free communication. Target Audience: Legal professionals using English as a foreign language, judicial trainers (both legal and language experts) |
Rights on the integration of disabled persons
2 marca 2023 czwartek 13:00 - 14:00 (CET) |
Pietro Franzina |
Otwarta rejestracja |
In the first step, we will describe the concept of disability and the relationship between disability and the law and the place of disability in human rights discourse. Afterwards, the following aspects will be addressed: - Social inclusion as a fundamental right, not only in the EU order but globally – discussion on a general right to social inclusion; - General features of the right of inclusion: a right entailing positive obligations on the part of the States and EU and a right with horizontal dimension; - A case study presentation, just to understand how the article and principle can work; - The EU as a promoter of inclusion. |
16 luty 2023 czwartek 13:00 - 14:00 (CET) |
Mariana Todorova |
Otwarta rejestracja |
The rapid development of narrow artificial intelligence (ANI) disrupts all spheres of human life, provides exceptional opportunities, but also presents unprecedented challenges to crime prevention, prosecution and punishment. The workshop will answer the questions of how the nature of the crime and the essence of crime prosecution and punishment will change, and how it will become increasingly difficult legislation in criminal law to be created and functions precisely because of the impact of ANI and digital technologies. Specific case studies will be provided as well. |
Special Type of Contracts |
2 luty 2023 czwartek 13:00 - 14:00 (CET) |
Alkis Papantonio |
Otwarta rejestracja |
A presentation about Sports Contracts focusing mainly on contractual relationships that are directly affected and regulated by the so-called lex sportiva, (meaning the Regulations of Sports Governing Bodies and the jurisprudence of sports arbitral courts and other judicial bodies). Towards this direction, the presentation will predominantly engage with an analysis of employment contracts, transfer agreements and representation contracts for agency services. |